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In stock
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
The manual is devoted to the description of Russian reflexive verbs from the perspective of teaching RFL. The book examines the 12 most representative semantic categories of reflexive verbs included in the curriculum for teaching foreign students of the basic and advanced stages of Russian language proficiency. A corresponding chapter is devoted to the description of each category, which includes two parts: "Commentary for the teacher", in which a linguodidactic description of structures with verbs of each category is given, and a "Practical work" addressed to students, which contains a system of training exercises that consistently lead...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 320
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
1254  1320 

Minimum quantity for "Vozvratnyye glagoly v russkoy rechi. Teoriya i praktika: ucheb. posobiye. Chagina O.V." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
The textbook is intended for work at the pre-university stage of teaching the Russian language to foreign students-ecologists who have reached a basic level of Russian language proficiency. This manual is aimed at developing the communicative competence of foreign students in the academic (educational and scientific) sphere of communication, designed to facilitate communication in this area and increase its effectiveness. Based on the development of linguistic competence, presenting the lexical-grammatical and functional-communicative features of the scientific style serving the academic sphere of communication, the authors sought to...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 144
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА

Minimum quantity for "Chas Zemli: ucheb. posobiye. Zhurkina N.V., Il'ina L.A., Lakhayeva A.I." is 1.

On backorder
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
The textbook is designed for foreign students - native speakers of English and Chinese, who are just starting to learn Russian, as well as those who have already studied the language in their country, but who need a certain correction of their knowledge. The manual will help foreign students prepare for the state exam in modern Russian for bachelor's and master's degrees. Учебное пособие рассчитано на иностранных учащихся – носителей английского и китайского языков, только приступающих к изучению русского языка, а также уже изучавших язык в своей стране, но нуждающихся в определенной корректировке своих знаний. Пособие поможет...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 248
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
1140  1200 

Minimum quantity for "Fonetika. Ritmika. Intonatsiya. Audirovaniye. Vvodnyy kurs: ucheb. posobiye dlya inostrannykh uchashchikhsya. Smirnova T. I." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
This monograph is devoted to the topical issues of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL). The authors focus on the process of teaching Russian to foreign applicants. The first part of the monograph explores the broad problems of teaching general knowledge of the Russian language for successful intercultural communication. Since foreign applicants are faced with the task of carrying out educational activities in order to assimilate knowledge in major subjects, the second part is devoted to the formation of linguistic competence. The presented integrative system of teaching foreign applicants is relevant not only for the development...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 332
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА

Minimum quantity for "Obucheniye russkomu yazyku inostrannykh abituriyentov : kollektivnaya monografiya. T.V. Shustikovoy, L.A. Il'inoy" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
The authors of the manual combined their many years of experience in teaching Russian literature of the 19th century outside Russia: in Belarus and in Slovakia, and presented materials that, in their opinion, correspond to the level of modern students, give them and the teacher the right to choose the volume and content of the material, assignments of various types and type. Each section of the manual ends with a linguistic and cultural commentary, dictionary, bibliography, supplemented by links to media resources. The text is illustrated with works of Russian artists, photographs of memorable places; contains basic information about the...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 232
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА

Minimum quantity for "Russkaya literatura vtoroy poloviny XIX veka: ucheb. posobiye. Verina U." is 1.

On backorder
Επίπεδο: В1-В2, Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
The manual contains detailed information about the meanings of the suffixes of Russian nouns and their functioning in speech, as well as a system of tasks that activate the studied word-formation models and methods of word composition and abbreviation. The materials of the manual are grouped according to the thematic-situational principle, which allows you to more fully reveal the communicative possibilities of word formation. The materials of the manual can be used starting from the starting level of TRKI-1. Учебное пособие содержит детальные сведения о значениях суффиксов русских имён существительных и их функционировании в речи, а...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 176
Επίπεδο: В1-В2
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
784  825 

Minimum quantity for "Suffiksy imon sushchestvitel'nykh v praktike obucheniya inostrannykh uchashchikhsya russkomu yazyku. / pod red. L.S. Kryuchkova, Ye.YU. Nikolenko" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The textbook is part of the educational complex for children from 11 years old who study Russian as a foreign language from scratch to level B1. The line is designed for 4 years (class) of training. The kit for each level includes a textbook, workbook, and teacher's book, with links to an audio application and additional activities in a digital environment. For the first year of study, there are recipes. Work is underway to create online applications for learners with different native languages. является частью учебного комплекса для детей с 11 лет, изучающих русский язык как иностранный с нуля до уровня В1. Линейка рассчитана на 4 года...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 184
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Давай!

Minimum quantity for "Davay! 3. Russkiy yazyk kak inostrannyy dlya shkol'nikov. Uchebnik. Mangus I." is 1.

In stock
Ηλικία: 10+, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The workbook is part of the educational complex for children from 11 years old who study Russian as a foreign language from scratch to level B1. The line is designed for 4 years (class) of training. The kit for each level includes a textbook, workbook, and teacher's book, with links to an audio application and additional activities in a digital environment. For the first year of study, there are recipes. Work is underway to create online applications for learners with different native languages. Рабочая тетрадь является частью учебного комплекса для детей с 11 лет, изучающих русский язык как иностранный с нуля до уровня В1. Линейка...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 80
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Ηλικία: 10+
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Давай!

Minimum quantity for "Davay! 3. Russkiy yazyk dlya shkol'nikov. Rabochaya tetrad'. Mangus I." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The book presents precedent phenomena (PF), the source of which is the Russian classical literature of the 18-19th centuries. The purpose of the manual is to prepare foreign students for intercultural communication, teach them to decode PF in texts of various genres and independently use them in oral and written speech. An algorithm for working with PF is given, which is educational in nature and involves a three-stage acquaintance with PF: the first stage is cultural (knowledge about the author and the source), the second stage is linguocultural adaptation (presentation of the meaning of PF in the Russian cultural space and the ability...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 220
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
2470  2600 

Minimum quantity for "A sud'i kto? Russkaya klassika i pretsedentnost': Uchebnoye posobiye. Rebrova I.V." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The adapted text of the story (1500 words based on the lexical minimum of the basic level (A2)). Accents, questions and tasks, keys, dictionary, illustrations. Адаптированный текст повести (1500 слов с опорой на лексический минимум базового уровня (А2)). Ударения, вопросы и задания, ключи, словарь, иллюстрации.
Αριθμός σελίδων: 48
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст

Minimum quantity for "Chelovek-amfibiya. Belyayev A.R. (podgotovka teksta i zadaniy: N. Usachenko)" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1-А2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
This is a self-instruction book in the form of the game novel, with the original detective-adventure plot and tasks built into the course of the narrative. It allows you to easily and naturally master the grammar of the Russian language, as well as get acquainted with the realities of Russian life. The textbook is a full-fledged reference book on the Russian language of the level A1-A2. It presents detailed grammatical tables with detailed explanations. A sufficient number of exercises allows not only to understand the grammatical theme, but to work it out on exercises, dialogues and texts for reading. Phonetic themes are processed using...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 252
Επίπεδο: А1-А2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
3990  4200 

Minimum quantity for "Travel like a Russian : intensive Russian language course in the form of an adventure novel. Москалева, Л., Шахматова, Т., Муртазина, Д." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Specialized course for employees of foreign law enforcement agencies (II certification level (B2)) who use the Russian language in their work. In two parts. Fragments of popular modern detective stories are offered for home reading. Keys, Russian-English dictionary. The first part included the following topics: "Theft of a vehicle", "Road traffic accidents", "Illegal use of vehicles". Специализированный курс для сотрудников зарубежных правоохранительных органов (II сертификационный уровень (В2)), использующих русский язык в работе. В двух частях. Для домашнего чтения предлагаются фрагменты популярных современных детективов. Ключи,...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 124
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст

Minimum quantity for "Vne zakona. Uchebnoye posobiye po russkomu yazyku. Chast' 1. Yudina G., Fillips D." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В2
Textbook for Russian language learners at the B2 level. The textbook is based on an orientation towards the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the development of competencies in the field of intercultural communication. The textbook is designed for a wide range of people studying Russian outside the Russian Federation. Учебное пособие для изучающих русский язык на уровне владения В2. В основе учебного пособия - ориентация на Общеевропейские компетенции владения иностранным языком (Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR), развитие компетенций в сфере межкультурной коммуникации. Учебное пособие рассчитано на широкий круг...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 120
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В2
1463  1540 

Minimum quantity for "Tol'ko po-russki. B2. Uchebnoye posobiye po russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu. Berdichevskiy A." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А2, Ηλικία: 7+, Παραγωγός: Греция, Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
The textbook " Zhar-ptitsa 3" (level A2) for children from eight years old is part of the educational and methodological complex of the RFL "Firebird". At the moment, it is taken from a textbook, a workbook, and a teaching aid for the teacher. It is intended for studying Russian as a foreign language and is suitable for both group and individual lessons. ДОПОЛНЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ! Добавлены 10, 11 и 12 уроки В конце каждого урока добавлен раздел с занимательной грамматикой "Это надо знать" с мультимедийным дополнением (QR-код) Учебное пособие «Жар-Птица А2» для детей и подростков является...
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А2
Ηλικία: 7+
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица
Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
2660  2800 

Minimum quantity for "Uchebnik Zhar-ptitsa A2. RKI dlya detey 7+. N. Mavridu." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А2, Ηλικία: 7+, Παραγωγός: Греция, Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
The textbook " Zhar-ptitsa 3" (level A2) for children from eight years old is part of the educational and methodological complex of the RFL "Firebird". At the moment, it is taken from a textbook, a workbook, and a teaching aid for the teacher. It is intended for studying Russian as a foreign language and is suitable for both group and individual lessons. ДОПОЛНЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ! Добавлены 10, 11 и 12 уроки В конце каждого урока добавлен раздел с занимательной грамматикой "Это надо знать" с мультимедийным дополнением (QR-код) Учебное пособие «Жар-Птица А2» для детей и подростков является частью...
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А2
Ηλικία: 7+
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица
Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
1900  2000 

Minimum quantity for "Rabochaya tetrad' Zhar-ptitsa A2. RKI dlya detey 7+. N. Mavridu." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1, Ηλικία: 6+, Παραγωγός: Греция, Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
ДОПОЛНЕННАЯ ВЕРСИЯ! Добавлены 10, 11 и 12 уроки В конце каждого урока добавлен раздел с занимательной грамматикой "Это надо знать" с мультимедийным дополнением (QR-код) Учебное пособие «Жар-Птица А2» для детей и подростков является частью учебного комплекса РКИ «Жар-Птица». Состоит из учебника, рабочей тетради, мето­дичес­кого пособия для учителя, ил­люстри­рован­ного альбома на CD-ROM, аудио-диска и сборника тестов. Пред­назна­чен для изу­чения русского языка как ино­стран­ного и подходит как для групповых, так и для инди­видуаль­ных занятий. Изучение грамматики строится через освоение...
ISBN: 978-618-84731-2-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 84
Επίπεδο: А1
Ηλικία: 6+
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица
Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду

Minimum quantity for "Zhar-ptitsa A2. Metodicheskoye posobiye. N. Mavridu. ​" is 1.

In stock
This is not a story about Guadeloupe. This story can be in America, in Europe, in China, even in Russia. This is a sensational story, a story about a scandal and a spy, about life and love. The big scandal is interesting. In life, scandals are small, uninteresting, ugly. In literature, a scandal is always big and interesting. Therefore, people love to read. Therefore, we are writing this story. Have you been to Guadeloupe? Not? Oh, this is a beautiful country, country and island! The island is large - 1,628 (one thousand six hundred twenty eight) square kilometers, and around is the Caribbean Sea. There is only one island in the sea! No,...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 168
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
2090  2200 

Minimum quantity for "Rasskaz-sensatsiya: v pomoshch' izuchayushchim russkiy yazyk (ne tol'ko dlya gvadeluptsev). I. D'yakov" is 1.

In stock
"Story-provocation": for learners of the Russian language (yes, and for you too!) "Is the second non-standard textbook on the Russian language, written by Ignatiy Dyakov. "Tale-provocation" is a continuation of the story of George, a Guadalupe banker, who faces crimes and provocations in his daily life, but also does not forget to build his personal happiness. "Рассказ-провокация" : для изучающих русский язык (да-да, и для вас тоже!)" - это второй нестандартный учебник по русскому языку, написанный Игнатием Дьяковым. "Рассказ-провокация" - это продолжение истории о Джордже, гваделупском банкире, который сталкивается в своей...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 184
2090  2200 

Minimum quantity for "Rasskaz-provokatsiya: dlya izuchayushchikh russkiy yazyk (da-da, i dlya vas tozhe!). I. D'yakov." is 1.

In stock
"Story-canonization". As in the first two books, the main character is the Guadalupe banker George, who in between times fights for justice in the world, thinks a lot, sings and travels, and in general leads an ethical lifestyle. However, the second plot is developing in parallel - the historical one. Readers will learn about a Russian professor who emigrated from Russia after the October Revolution. Two storylines, two lives intersect in ... a book. The detective story covers important and rewarding topics such as food, politics, office life, clothing, sports, transportation, and business. The book also uses some common set...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 144
2090  2200 

Minimum quantity for "Rasskaz-kanonizatsiya: v pomoshch' izuchayushchim russkiy yazyk (dlya tekh, kto yeshche zhiv). I. D'yakov" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: A2-B1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The second part of the popular Russian language course for adults is designed for those who continue to study Russian at the basic - first levels (A2-B1). The course is designed for an average of 80-120 hours. Its task is to ensure the rapid development of various aspects of the language and types of speech activity. The textbook combines grammar and conversational courses. There are game tasks, audio application, keys. You can listen to or download the audio file for the assignment using the QR code next to the assignment. Вторая часть популярного курса русского языка для взрослых предназначена для продолжающих изучать русский...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 200
Διαστάσεις: 205х285
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: A2-B1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Поехали !
2565  2700 

Minimum quantity for "Poyekhali! Russkiy yazyk dlya vzroslykh. Bazovyy kurs : uchebnik. Chast' 2.2. QR. Chernyshov, S.I., Chernyshova, A.V." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
The dictionary of linguocultural literacy is aimed at the formation of linguocultural knowledge, overcoming the cultural barrier. The idea underlying the dictionary is the availability of linguocultural knowledge, their calculability and ease of presentation. By the way of lexicographic interpretation of its constituent units, the publication is a new type of linguistic culture dictionary. Linguocultural units described in the dictionary are grouped into ten thematic sections. Their semantisation is carried out from the position of communication, which allows a foreigner to include these units in his own verbal behavior and to...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 248
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы


In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
The grammar reference in the form of tables with illustrations includes current vocabulary, as well as speech patterns, with the help of which students can quickly start speaking Russian correctly. The guide is intended for foreigners who begin to study the Russian language for practical purposes, both in an educational institution under the guidance of a teacher, and independently. The content of the guide is focused on the initial level of language proficiency (A1 – A2). Грамматический справочник в виде таблиц с иллюстрациями включает в себя актуальную лексику, а также речевые образцы, с помощью которых учащиеся смогут быстрее...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 160
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
3325  3500 


In stock
The textbook is the first part of the educational complex on Russian as a foreign language. The lexical and grammatical material presented in the textbook meets the approved requirements for the elementary level (Al) and creates the basis for continuing to study the Russian language at the basic (A2), and then at the first certification (Bl) levels. Working with a textbook involves the use of modern information and communication technologies, and the content of educational materials is aimed at arousing students' interest in today's Russia, its history and culture and setting them up for live communication in Russian. Учебник является...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 272
Διαστάσεις: 210*285
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Σειρά: Привет, Россия!

Minimum quantity for "Privet, Rossiya! : Uchebnik A1. Textbook A1. V. A. Stepanenko, M. M. Nakhabina, Ye. G. Kol'ovska, O. V. Plotnikova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Эта книга познакомит вас с логикой построения 3-х основных типов русского академического эссе. Для приобретения навыков написания такого типа эссе вам понадобится примерно 20 часов аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Стартовый уровень владения русским языком — ТРКИ-2 и выше. This book will introduce you to the logical structure of the 3 main types of Russian academic essays. To acquire the skills to write this type of essay, you will need about 20 hours of classroom and independent work. The starting level of Russian language proficiency is TORFL-2 (В2) and higher.
Αριθμός σελίδων: 60
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
1425  1500 

Minimum quantity for "Logika akademicheskogo esse: osnovaniya struktury. Buzal'skaya Ye.V., Lyubimova N.A." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Учебное пособие рассчитано на англоговорящих студентов (рекомендуемый уровень В2 и выше) и на широкий круг читателей с хорошим уровнем владения русским языком, желающих расширить свои знания по русскому языку для делового общения и познакомиться с социально-экономическими аспектами современной России. Поскольку большинство материалов сопровождается переводом на английский язык, русскоговорящие студенты, желающие усовершенствовать свои навыки владения английским языком делового общения, также могут использовать это пособие. В дополнение к лексико-грамматическим и переводным упражнениям в каждом уроке содержатся задания...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 248
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст

Minimum quantity for "Biznes-russkiy: uchebnoye posobiye dlya prodvinutogo etapa. Business Russian: a study guide for the advanced stage. Tsiskarashvili D.R." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The book, on the one hand, gives an idea of the historical change in approaches and methods in the organization of systems of exercises for teaching oral foreign language speech, and on the other hand, it offers the author's system of exercises from the beginning of training the language material to its independent use by students in speech situations. This system was developed on the basis of a rich previous experience of methodological thought, taking into account the psycholinguistic processes of speech production, the specifics of various forms of speech, in the description of which modern science has achieved significant results....
Αριθμός σελίδων: 268
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст

Minimum quantity for "Sistema uprazhneniy po obucheniyu ustnoy inoyazychnoy rechi: teoriya i praktika. Vokhmina L.L., Kuvayeva A.S., Khavronina S.A." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
We bring to your attention a book from the series "Chrysostom's Library". The series includes adapted texts for 5 levels of Russian language proficiency: works of classics of Russian literature, contemporary writers, publicists, journalists, as well as film scripts. The levels are guided by the lexical minima developed for the Russian state testing system for the Russian language. Each issue is supplied with questions, tasks and a dictionary, which includes words that go beyond the minimum. Предлагаем вашему вниманию книгу из серии "Библиотека Златоуста". Серия включает адаптированные тексты для 5 уровней владения русским языком:...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 124
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст

Minimum quantity for "Beshenyye den'gi. Ostrovskiy N.A." is 1.

In stock
Αριθμός σελίδων: 380
Εξώφυλλο: твердый переплет
1254  1320 

Minimum quantity for "Ta rosika choris daskalo" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The "TORFL - 100%" series includes test options for all levels. Control materials were developed by testologists of the Center for Language Testing of St. Petersburg State University and were previously used in examination sessions. This issue is intended for those who study Russian and plan to take tests in Russian as a foreign language (TORFL) at the basic level (TBU / A2), as well as for teachers preparing for these exams. Серия "ТРКИ - на 100%" включает в себя варианты тестов всех уровней. Контрольные материалы были разработаны тестологами Центра языкового тестирования Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета и ранее...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 132
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
2185  2300 

Minimum quantity for "Testy po russkomu yazyku: A2. Otkrytyye ekzamenatsionnyye materialy SPbGU. Russian language tests: A2. Open examination materials from St. Petersburg State University. Kosareva Ye.V., Nikiforova A.V." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The series "TORFL - 100%" includes test options for all levels. Control materials were developed by testologists at the Center for Language Testing of St. Petersburg State University and were previously used in examination sessions. This issue is intended for those who study Russian and plan to take the test in Russian as a foreign language (TORFL) at the first level (TORFL - I / B1), as well as for teachers preparing for these exams. Серия "ТРКИ - на 100%" включает в себя варианты тестов всех уровней. Контрольные материалы были разработаны тестологами Центра языкового тестирования Санкт-Петербургского государственного...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 136
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
2185  2300 

Minimum quantity for "Testy po russkomu yazyku: B1. Otkrytyye ekzamenatsionnyye materialy SPbGU. Russian language tests: B1. Open examination materials from St. Petersburg State University.' I.V., Dubinina N.A., Il'icheva I.YU." is 1.

In stock
Souvenir cards with useful phrases for foreigners studying Russian at the A1 level.
Αριθμός σελίδων: 12
Εξώφυλλο: картон

Minimum quantity for "Russkiye Kartochki. Samyye poleznyye frazy.. Russian Cards. The Most Useful Phrases. Mozelova I. V." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The manual includes lexical, grammatical, phonetic and educational-cognitive material and was created taking into account the difficulties that teachers and students often face in the process of learning a language at the B1 level and above. The manual is intended for work on short-term courses (from 1 to 6 months), as well as for those who independently study Russian. It contains a lot of explanations, comments and keys to the most difficult exercises. At the end of the manual, a Russian-English dictionary is given, containing more than 2000 units. Пособие включает лексический, грамматический, фонетический и...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 352
Διαστάσεις: 165x235 мм
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
2280  2400 

Minimum quantity for "Davayte govorit' po-russki. Glazunova, O.I." is 1.

In stock
Ηλικία: 7+, Συγγραφέας: Марианна Авери
The "Sarafan" series is developed in accordance with the "Magpie: Russian for Children" series: "Sarafan 1" is a continuation of "Magpies 3". As with the Magpie series, each level has a textbook, workbook and teacher's book that complement each other. The textbook Sarafan 1 is devoted to grammar .. Topic - travel. Students will learn the names of countries and languages in Russian. They will explore Russia with the crew of the spacecraft; visiting Baikal in the south of Siberia and the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka; and admire the polar nights (Aurora Borealis) in Murmansk and the hospitality of the people in the Urals. The textbook...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 62
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Ηλικία: 7+
Συγγραφέας: Марианна Авери
2250  2500 

Minimum quantity for "Sarafan 1 Student's Book . Marianna Avery" is 1.

In stock
Ηλικία: 7+, Συγγραφέας: Марианна Авери
In Activity for Level 1 of the Sundress series, students use grammar exercises for the exercises. New in the Sundress: dictation, exercises for listening and understanding spoken words and dialogues. Students will review the material a lot, going back to what was learned in Forty 1, 2 and 3. The Sarafan series is what happens after the third level of the Forty: Russian for Children series has been completed. At each level of the Sarafan - as in the Magpie series - there is a student's book, a notebook and a teacher's book, which complement each other. The Sarafan series is designed to follow the Forty: Russian for Children series: Sarafan...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 60
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Ηλικία: 7+
Συγγραφέας: Марианна Авери
1260  1400 

Minimum quantity for "Sarafan. Russian language for children. Workbook. Mvrianna Avery." is 1.

In stock
Αριθμός σελίδων: 68
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
1260  1400 

Minimum quantity for "Sarafan. Russian for children. Book for the teacher. Marianna Avery." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Греция, Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица
Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду

Minimum quantity for "Zhar-ptitsa 2 . Uroven' A1. Audio-al'bom, teksty. N. Mavridu." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Греция, Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
Collection of tests for the training complex "Zhar-Ptitsa 1" Сборник тестов для учебного комплекса "Жар-Птица 1"
ISBN: 978-618-84-7313-3
Αριθμός σελίδων: 80
Διαστάσεις: А4
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица
Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду

Minimum quantity for "Zhar-Ptitsa A0. Sbornik testov. Mavridu Nataliya" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В 2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The manual is intended for foreign students studying Russian at an advanced stage of study (TRKI-2 / B2), as well as for everyone who wants to improve their intonation and speech skills. The purpose of the manual is to develop skills and abilities to express emotions by means of the Russian language in oral speech. In the first part, speech constructions that express and describe emotions are proposed, in the second part, popular conversational topics are presented, in the study of which methods of expressing and describing emotions are worked out. The manual contains a large number of games and creative tasks that activate the speech...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 348
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В 2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
2375  2500 

Minimum quantity for "Vyrazhayem svoi emotsii po-russki (s QR). Kovrizhkina, D.G." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1-В1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
The manual is intended for learners of Russian as a foreign language at levels A1 – B1. It offers a wide variety of exercises, including the assimilation of the prepositional-case system, as well as tests, reference tables and keys. Explains the peculiarities of the stress of adjectives and adverbs, the laws of alternation of consonants in the comparative degree and the simple superlative degree. Recommended for independent and classroom work. Пособие предназначено для изучающих русский язык как иностранный на уровнях А1–В1. В нём предлагается большое количество разнообразных упражнений, в том числе на усвоение предложно-падежной...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 128
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А1-В1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
1045  1100 

Minimum quantity for "Prilagatel'nyye: formy i udareniya : sbornik uprazhneniy. Slabukho, O.A." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1-В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст
This book is aimed at expanding and systematizing the common and special vocabulary of students on the basis of word-formation models, chains and paradigms. The textbook is structured according to the stages of language acquisition: elementary, basic, I and II certification levels. For ease of use within I and II certification levels, sections of general and special vocabulary, including the military one, are highlighted. All vocabulary in the exercises is strictly correlated with the lexical minima of the corresponding levels. The manual is intended for teaching foreign students and cadets at all stages of preparation (from elementary to...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 336
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А1-В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
2185  2300 

Minimum quantity for "Kak stroyatsya russkiye slova? Alpeyeva, L.V." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Tests to prepare for the exam in Russian as a foreign language. Elementary level. General ownership Project manager - N.M. Rumyantseva L. B. Terёchik (subtests "Vocabulary. Grammar") Yu.V. Yurova ("Reading" subtests) Ya.A. Ganelina (subtests "Listening") M.E. Farhadova (subtests "Letter" and "Speaking") The tests are designed to prepare foreign students for the exam in Russian as a foreign language (elementary level). The structure and content of the collection allow you to work with it both under the guidance of a teacher and independently. Each subtest is presented with three options. This allows you to combine variants of...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 120
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А1
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
1425  1500 
In stock
Επίπεδο: В1-В2, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
The purpose of the textbook "About Russia in Russian" is to acquaint foreigners with the national and cultural diversity of Russia, its history and modernity, embodied in folklore, painting, architecture, literature, traditions, unique natural monuments, etc. The manual is designed for 72 hours of classroom work, contains 19 lessons, as well as introductory and final lessons; is aimed at improving the language, communication, cultural and intercultural competences of foreign students who speak Russian in the volume of levels B1 – B2. Audio materials are available for download and listening via a QR code. Цель учебного пособия «О...
Αριθμός σελίδων: 248
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В1-В2
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы

Minimum quantity for "O Rossii po-russki: uchebnoye posobiye dlya inostrannykh studentov. ZH. I. Zherebtsova, M. V. Kholodkova, O. V. Tolmachova" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1, Ηλικία: 6+, Παραγωγός: Греция, Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду
Учебное пособие «Жар-Птица А1» для детей и под­ростков является частью учебного комплекса РКИ «Жар-Птица». Состоит из учебника, рабочей тетради, мето­дичес­кого пособия для учителя, ил­люстри­рован­ного альбома на CD-ROM, аудио-диска и сборника тестов. Предназначен для изучения русского языка как ино­стран­ного ино­фонами, билинг­вами и хери­тажни­ками. Подходит как для групповых, так и для инди­виду­альных занятий. Изучение грамматики строится через освоение грам­мати­ческой модели, речевого образца (диалога) и текста. Курс состоит из 15 уроков. Каждый урок направ­лен на изучение лексики, грамма­тики, при­обре­тение и развитие...
ISBN: 978-618-84731-2-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 84
Επίπεδο: А1
Ηλικία: 6+
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица
Συγγραφέας: Н. И. Мавриду

Minimum quantity for "Zhar-ptitsa A1. Metodicheskoye posobiye. N. Mavridu." is 1.

In stock
Ηλικία: 6+, Παραγωγός: Греция
Ηλικία: 6+
Παραγωγός: Греция
Σειρά: Жар-Птица

Minimum quantity for "Zhar-ptitsa 2 . Uroven' A1. Audio-al'bom, teksty. N. Mavridu." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Мангус И
The workbook is part of the educational complex for children from 11 years old who study Russian as a foreign language from scratch to level B1. The line is designed for 4 years (class) of training. The kit for each level includes a textbook, workbook and teacher's book. Interactive assignments and audio applications are available via QR codes posted in print publications. A large set of additional materials (Student's Dictionary, Collection of tests, Teacher presentations in PowerPoint, Online testing, Illustrative materials that can be printed and cut into cards for classroom work) is posted on a special web resource, a link to which...
ISBN: 978-5-907123-33-5
Αριθμός σελίδων: 96
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Давай!
Συγγραφέας: Мангус И

Minimum quantity for "Davay! Russkiy yazyk dlya shkol'nikov. Vtoroy god obucheniya: rabochaya tetrad'. Mangus I." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Мангус И
The teacher's book is part of the educational complex for children from 11 years old who study Russian as a foreign language from scratch to level B1. The line is designed for 4 years (class) of training. The kit for each level includes a textbook, workbook and teacher's book. Interactive assignments and audio applications are available via QR codes posted in print publications. A large set of additional materials (Student's Dictionary, Collection of tests, Teacher presentations in PowerPoint, Online testing, Illustrative materials that can be printed and cut into cards for classroom work) is posted on a special web resource, a link to...
ISBN: 978-5-907123-34-2
Αριθμός σελίδων: 84
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Давай!
Συγγραφέας: Мангус И

Minimum quantity for "Davay! Russkiy yazyk kak inostrannyy dlya shkol'nikov. Vtoroy god obucheniya : kniga dlya uchitelya. Russian as a foreign language for schoolchildren. Second year: teacher's book" is 1.

On backorder
Επίπεδο: В1, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
The book presents the stories "Shot" and "Snowstorm" by the great Russian writer of the XIX century A.S. Pushkin. This is a story about amazing stories that happened in the lives of the heroes. But in the end, nobility helps to overcome the thirst for revenge, and love and mercy overcome selfishness and frivolity. The text of the stories is adapted (B1), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and development of speech. В книге представлены повести «Выстрел» и «Метель» великого русского писателя XIX века А.С. Пушкина. Это рассказ об удивительных историях, которые случились в жизни героев. Но в конечном итоге...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-899-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 64
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В1
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Σειρά: Классное чтение

Minimum quantity for "Povesti: Vystrel. Metel' A.S. Pushkin. N. A. Yeremina, A. A. Vertyagina" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Н. А. Еремина, И. А. Старовойтова
The book presents the novel “A Hero of Our Time” (the story “Bela”) by the great Russian writer of the 19th century M.Yu. Lermontov. This is the story of the short passion of an officer of the tsarist army who served in the Caucasus, and the love of a Chechen girl, the daughter of a local prince, for him. But the frivolous actions of a young man lead to a great tragedy. The text of the story is adapted (B1), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and speech development. В книге представлен роман «Герой нашего времени» (повесть «Бэла») великого русского писателя XIX века М.Ю. Лермонтова. Это история...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-900-9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 64
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Σειρά: Классное чтение
Συγγραφέας: Н. А. Еремина, И. А. Старовойтова

Minimum quantity for "Geroy nashego vremeni. Bela M.YU. Lermontov. N. A. Yeremina, I. A. Starovoytova" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В2-С2, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: В. С. Елистратов, И. В. Ружицкий
Study guide “Unusual stories about unusual museums. Russian Cultural Memory ”is intended for foreign students of the level of Russian language proficiency B2 and above. It includes such authentic texts as "Russian flag", "History of Baikal", "House of N.V. Gogol "," Primordial Faith "," About mushrooms and not only "," About the cosmic ... "," Artkommunalka "and others. Each text is accompanied by a lexical and linguocultural commentary, which includes questions aimed at a deeper understanding of a particular lexical unit or at expanding regional geographic information, as well as control questions. At the end of the manual, topics for...
ISBN: 978­-5­-88337­-815-­6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 240
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: В2-С2
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: В. С. Елистратов, И. В. Ружицкий

Minimum quantity for "Neobychnyye rasskazy o neobychnykh muzeyakh. Russkaya kul'turnaya pamyat'. V. S. Yelistratov, I. V. Ruzhitskiy" is 1.

In stock
Συγγραφέας: А. Вербовская
The book presents the stories of the modern writer Anna Verbovskaya. These are funny stories from the life of children from one group of a kindergarten - about their everyday life and holidays, joys and sorrows, discoveries and fantasies, friendship and first love. Each story is followed by reading comprehension questions. The book is addressed to bilingual children and their parents for family reading at home. It contributes to the development of children's speech and the expansion of their vocabulary. В книге представлены рассказы современной писательницы Анны Вербовской. Это весёлые истории из жизни ребят одной группы детского...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-926-9
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Συγγραφέας: А. Вербовская

Minimum quantity for "Shli po nebu poyezda: Kniga dlya chteniya. A. Verbovskaya" is 1.


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