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In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Еремина Н.А. Старовойтова И.А
The book presents the story "Lieutenant Kizhe" by the famous Russian writer of the first half of the 20th century Yu.N. Tynyanov. The plot of the story is based on a historical anecdote from the reign of the Russian Emperor Paul I. As a result of a clerk's mistake, a non-existent officer with a strange surname Kizhe appeared in the documents, who made a fantastic career. The text of the story is adapted (B2), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and speech development. The book contains the most interesting facts from the life of Yu.N. Tynyanov. В книге представлен рассказ "Подпоручик Киже" известного русского...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-421-9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 48
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Σειρά: Классное чтение
Συγγραφέας: Еремина Н.А. Старовойтова И.А

Minimum quantity for "Podporuchik Kizhe. Tynyanov Yu.N. ON. Eremina I.A. Starovoitova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Еремина Н.А. Старовойтова И.А
ISBN: 978-5-88337-371-7
Αριθμός σελίδων: 72
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Σειρά: Классное чтение
Συγγραφέας: Еремина Н.А. Старовойтова И.А

Minimum quantity for "Rasskazy dlya detey . M.M. Zoshchenko" is 1.

In stock
Συγγραφέας: Еремина Н.А. Старовойтова И.А
The book presents the satirical story "Bad Joke" by the great Russian writer of the 19th century F.M. Dostoevsky A high-ranking official accidentally ends up at the wedding of one of his minor employees. He only wanted to congratulate the young. But the situation was such that all his good intentions ended in great embarrassment. The text of the story is adapted (C1), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and speech development. The book contains the most interesting facts from the life of F.M. Dostoevsky. В книге представлен сатирический рассказ "Скверный анекдот" великого русского писателя XIX века Ф.М....
ISBN: 978-5-88337-420-2
Αριθμός σελίδων: 88
Σειρά: Классное чтение
Συγγραφέας: Еремина Н.А. Старовойтова И.А

Minimum quantity for "Skvernyy anekdot. Bad anecdote. F.M. Dostoevsky. ON. Eremina I.A. Starovoitova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Юшманова С.И. Абдалян И.П.
The manual is part of the Reading Russian Classics series, which includes adapted works of Russian literature. The series is intended for international students studying Russian at the intermediate stage of their studies. This book contains 14 lessons. All texts are provided with the necessary comments and footnotes. New words and phrases are introduced as footnotes and translated into English. In this case, only the contextual meaning of the word or phrase is given. A variety of grammar and vocabulary exercises make reading much easier and help students learn new material. Пособие входит в серию "Читаем русскую классику", которая...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-357-1
Αριθμός σελίδων: 240
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Юшманова С.И. Абдалян И.П.

Minimum quantity for "Chitayem A.S. Pushkina. Kapitanskaya dochka. We read A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter . Yushmanova S.I. Abdalyan I.P." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Т.Е. Аросева, Л.Г. Рогова, Н.Ф. Сафьянова
The textbook contains a unique system of tasks in the Russian language, prepared on the basis of the basic course of higher education in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The purpose of the manual is the introduction and activation of language material in oral and written form, the development of reading skills, note-taking, dialogical and monologue speech. The lexical and grammatical material is introduced on a syntactic basis, through speech samples, which provides a comprehensive presentation of the linguistic material and its communicativeness. The textual material is optimally correlated with the program material in mathematics,...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-206-2
Αριθμός σελίδων: 312
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Т.Е. Аросева, Л.Г. Рогова, Н.Ф. Сафьянова

Minimum quantity for "Nauchnyy stil' rechi: tekhnicheskiy profil'. Scientific style of speech: technical profile: A guide to the Russian language for foreign students. THOSE. Aroseva, L.G. Rogova, N.F. Safyanova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Е.В. Ермакова, О.В. Константинова, А.А. Муравьева
The educational complex is addressed to foreigners studying in universities of the oil and gas profile, and specialists in the oil and gas industry. The purpose of the manual is to teach the language of the specialty, the formation of students' communicative competence, sufficient for communication in the professional field of activity. The manual will help you to master the functional and stylistic features of the scientific style in general and the specifics of the language of the specialty in particular. The complex includes a book for students and a book for a teacher. The book for students contains 20 lessons, each of which includes...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-240-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 120
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Е.В. Ермакова, О.В. Константинова, А.А. Муравьева

Minimum quantity for "O nefti po-russki. About oil in Russian. Educational complex for teaching the language of the specialty (oil and gas profile). Book for students + CD. E.V. Ermakova, O. V. Konstantinov, A.A. Muravyova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: А.К. Перевозникова
It is intended for foreigners studying in international specialties who have mastered the I certification level of RFL proficiency. It is built on the material of special texts from textbooks and monographs on this topic. The manual consists of 14 topics and is designed for 60–70 classroom hours. The basis of each topic is a lexical-semantic group of words, accompanying grammar and texts for the student reading. The selection of grammatical material is due to the frequency of functioning of a particular structure in the text of the topic. Working with this manual will contribute to the development of the skills necessary for...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-296-3
Αριθμός σελίδων: 168
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: А.К. Перевозникова

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya diplomatov. Russian for Diplomats: A Study Guide for Foreign Students. A.K. Perevoznikova" is 1.

In stock
Συγγραφέας: С.И. Дерягина
The manual is intended for foreigners who speak Russian in the volume of I certification level. The main purpose of the manual is the formation and development of students' language and speech skills and abilities necessary for professional activity. The assignments were compiled using materials from modern Russian media. The various tasks of the manual are focused on both classroom and independent work of students. At the same time, the proportion of independent work increases from class to class. Future journalists will learn how to work with professional texts, discuss various issues of professional interest, write their own...
ISBN: 978 5 88337 236 9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 112
Συγγραφέας: С.И. Дерягина

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya zhurnalistov. Russian for Journalists: A Study Guide for Foreign Students + CD. S.I. Deryagina" is 1.

In stock
The book is devoted to the description of sentences of phraseological structure (FS), characteristic of oral spontaneous speech and intended to express assessment, agreement, denial, accentuation, uniqueness, plurality, etc. FS help to expand the syntactic stock, make speech richer and more expressive. The manual contains a general description of FS and exercises that practice the use of FS in speech. For foreign students (bachelors, undergraduates, graduate students, trainees), translators, RFL teachers, as well as for all Russian philologists. Книга посвящена описанию предложений фразеологизированной структуры (ФС), характерных для...
1425  1500 

Minimum quantity for "Kogda yest' o chom pogovorit' ili Predlozheniya frazeologizirovannoy struktury v russkoy rechi. When there is something to talk about or Sentences of phraseological structure in Russian speech. A.V. Velichko" is 2.

In stock
The manual is included in the training complex for Russian as a foreign language “Once upon a time. 12 lessons of the Russian language ”. Its purpose is to consolidate grammatical skills through a system of additional training exercises. The lexical content of the activated grammatical models corresponds to the peculiarities of live Russian speech, which also contributes to the development of speaking skills. Examples that are simple in terms of vocabulary, but typical for modern spoken language, serve as models on the basis of which learners can build their speech. Such examples can be used by the teacher when developing test...
1520  1600 

Minimum quantity for "Zhili-byli... 12 urokov russkogo yazyka. 12 lessons of the Russian language. A basic level of. Grammar workshop. Miller L.V., Politova L.V." is 1.

2420  2700 

Minimum quantity for "RUSSKIY YAZYK 4klasss . Uchebnik v 2-kh chastyakh . Mityushina . Ye. Khamrayeva" is 1.

2821  2970 

Minimum quantity for "PRIVET! Russkiy yazyk dlya nachinayushchikh. Uchebnik dlya govoryashchikh na grecheskom yazyke." is 1.

3344  3520 

Minimum quantity for "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE . Advanced stage in Greek. Alisa Davtyan, Olga Mikhailova" is 1.

2612  2750 

Minimum quantity for "SYNTAX OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN GREEK. S. Mamalui, A. Trakadas" is 1.

3239  3410 

Minimum quantity for "GRAMMAR OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN GREEK. S. Mamalui, A. Trakadas" is 1.

In stock
4 games on themes: sounds of animals in the forest, sounds of animals on the farm, sounds in the city and human sounds. 4 posters + CD with a methodological brochure in Russian, Latvian, English and German + audio recordings for games in the languages: Russian, Latvian, English, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Turkish. A. Hyunak, E. Platonova, V. Firerbe Language games for the development of speech in children of preschool and primary school age. 4 игры на темы: звуки животных в лесу, звуки животных на ферме, звуки в городе и звуки человека. 4 плаката + СД с методической брошюрой на русском, латышском,...
1760  1800 

Minimum quantity for "YAzykovyye igry dlya razvitiya rechi detey doshkol'nogo i mladshego shkol'nogo vozrasta." is 1.

In stock
To the textbook by E. A. Khamraev, V. V. Dronov Rosinka. A textbook on the Russian language and culture of speech for children of compatriots living abroad К учебнику Е. А. Хамраева, В. В. Дронов Росинка. Учебник по русскому языку и культуре речи для детей соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом
660  700 

Minimum quantity for "ROSINKA . Rabochaya tetrad' . Ye. Khamrayeva" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "Azbuka. Uchebnik. L. Mityushina, E. Khamraeva, E. Platonova" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "Azbuka. Propic' 1 . L. Mityushina, Ye. Khamrayeva, Ye.N.Platonova" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "Azbuka. Propis' 2. L. Mityushina, Ye. Khamrayeva, Ye. Platonova" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "Skazochnyy alfavit. Nabor v dvukh chastyakh s CD. Ye. Kudryavtseva, N. Lernet, O. Sergeyeva" is 1.

In stock
The manual sets out grammatical signs and spelling rules for negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, offers lexical and grammatical exercises, and a variety of communication tasks. Additionally, there are literary texts of varying degrees of difficulty for selective analysis in the classroom and students' independent work. The manual is intended for foreign students of the advanced stage of study (B2 and higher). В пособии излагаются грамматический признаки и правила правописания отрицательных и неопределенных местоимений и наречий, предлагаются упражнения лексического и грамматического характера, разнообразные коммуникативные...
1425  1500 

Minimum quantity for "Otritsatel'nyye i neopredelennyye mestoimeniya i narechiya v russkom yazyke. Negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs in Russian. Lebedev V.K" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "Ot priyema k metodu: Kak proyti etot put' s naimen'shimi poteryami N.A .Lyubimova , Ye. V. Buzal'skaya" is 1.

In stock
Book from the series "Zlatoust's Library". Adapted texts (1500 words based on the lexical minimum of the I certification level. Accents, comments, test tasks for texts, keys, illustrations. Compiler, author of processing and assignments G. S. Yudina. из серии "Бибилотека Златоуста". Адаптированные тексты (1500 слов с опорой на лексический минимум I сертификационного уровня. Ударения, комментарии, тестовые задания к текстам, ключи, илл.юстрации. Составитель, автор обработки и заданий Г. С. Юдина.

Minimum quantity for "Skazki Luny. Moon Tales. Galina Yudina" is 1.

In stock
The manual helps students-foreigners to understand how words are constructed in Russian, how they change depending on gender and number. For him, words have been selected that will be useful in everyday communication in Russian and for understanding literary texts. The manual is based on domino games and paired pictures (memories) (14 game sets, levels A2-B2). Games help replenish vocabulary and activate words, develop voluntary attention and memory. The proposed games can be used in classes with students of different ages (children and adults). The game material can be varied according to the age of the players and the level of...
2700  2750 

Minimum quantity for "UGADAY SLOVO ! T.V. Kuz'mina" is 1.

In stock
The manual is intended for the formation of the skills of distinguishing and pronouncing voiceless and voiced, soft and hard consonants, as well as for mastering the rules for naming soft and hard consonants in writing. The manual is based on domino games and memories (paired pictures), the rules of which are known to adults and children. The manual can be used to work with students - foreigners of different ages. The game material can be varied taking into account the age of the players and the level of language proficiency (8 game sets, levels A 2-B2) Пособие предназначено для формирования навыков различения и произнесения глухих и...

Minimum quantity for "UGADAY ZVUK ! T.V.Kuz'mina" is 1.

In stock
The book deals with a number of controversial and unresolved syntactic problems in the scientific literature up to now: about syntactic units, about syntactic connections, about the nature of some syntactic constructions, etc. Various approaches to their solution, various syntactic concepts are highlighted and the corresponding fragments of scientific works are presented. In addition to theoretical information and textbook fragments, the book offers practical tasks and questions to control the assimilation of the material, as well as tests to check how the read scientific literature is understood. The book can be interesting and useful to...
1045  1100 

Minimum quantity for "SINTAKSICHESKIYe SYUZHETY: SPORNYYe I NERESHENNYYe VOPROSY RUSSKOGO SINTAKSISA. SYNTAXIC Plots: Controversial and Unresolved Issues of the Russian Syntax. L.N. Anipkina N.A. Bubnova O.A. Krylova" is 1.

In stock
627  660 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy sezon 1CD" is 1.

In stock
The manual is intended for classes in the Russian language in groups of foreign students studying political science and having language training in the volume of I certification level. The purpose of this manual is to familiarize students with the peculiarities of the scientific style of speech, a separate layer of social and political vocabulary, syntactic models characteristic of political science. The manual consists of 9 lessons, built on the material of the course "Fundamentals of Political Science", studied by students, tests and audio applications. Учебное пособие предназначено для занятий по русскому языку в группах иностранных...
2090  2300 

Minimum quantity for "Politologiya. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Political science. Textbook on the language of the specialty. A. Lobanova, I.B. Mogileva, T.V. Chernenko" is 1.

In stock
The textbook is intended for foreign students of philology who speak Russian at the B1 level and for whom Russian is the language of their specialty. The system of assignments is aimed at mastering students' professional knowledge in literary criticism, at developing reading, speaking, listening and writing skills, at expanding the stock of professional vocabulary and repetition of syntactic structures characteristic of the scientific style of speech. The purpose of the manual is to prepare students for the study of the course "Introduction to Literary Studies" in a language environment. Учебное пособие предназначено для иностранных...

Minimum quantity for "Vvedeniye v literaturovedeniye. Introduction to Literary Studies. Bey L.B." is 1.

In stock
The manual is built on a special type of visualization: these are plot pictures with a large number of characters, dynamic, drawn with knowledge of modern Russian life and with gentle humor. The manual includes 31 cards with visual color multi-figure plot illustrations, black and white duplicates with captions (picture dictionary) and guidelines with a detailed description of each picture. The purpose of the manual is to teach to recognize, memorize and activate new vocabulary, to enrich the content of already known words and expressions, to consistently build perception and generation of statements, etc. It is addressed to everyone who...

Minimum quantity for "Karty, kartochki, kartinki. Vot kak-to tak: zhizn' v kartinkakh. Maps, cards, pictures. Something like this: life in pictures. E. Protasova, I. Salatov" is 1.

In stock
The course as a whole is structured on a thematic basis and includes 12 topics. Each topic is designed for all types of speech activity, which ensures a coordinated presentation of material in aspect teaching: a unified approach to the study of typical texts, their structure, lexical and grammatical content, the use of these texts as samples when constructing their own statements in oral and written form. Generalizing tasks for repetition and preparation for control on all topics covered for all aspects are offered. The textbook in 4 editions is intended for foreign interns, bachelors, undergraduates and postgraduates who are preparing...
3515  3700 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk. Uchebnik dlya prodvinutykh. Russian language. A tutorial for the advanced. Issue 3. Rogova K.A., Voznesenskaya I.M., Horokhordin O.V., Kolesova D.V." is 1.

In stock
The dictionary shows the features of the functioning of phraseological units of the Russian language in the modern text. It is compiled on the basis of a continuous selection of phraseological units from texts, which distinguishes it from most phraseological dictionaries of recent times. The dictionary is based on over 150 detective stories by more than 70 authors. The main corpus of the dictionary (more than 3000 units) includes phraseological innovations belonging to the literary language (neologisms proper, new variants of pre-existing phraseological units, units that have changed meaning), as well as linguistic units that are outside...
2299  2420 

Minimum quantity for "Frazeologicheskiy slovar' sovremennogo rossiyskogo detektiva. Ganapolskaya E.V." is 1.

In stock
This manual is intended for foreign specialists in the field of hotel and restaurant business associated with the reception and service of Russian and Russian-speaking tourists. It will help you learn to listen to various customer requests, respond to them correctly, as well as read simple advertising texts and business letters. The audio supplement (120 minutes) contains sample dialogues and comprehension tasks. For those who speak Russian at the level of A1. Настоящее пособие предназначено для зарубежных специалистов в области гостиничного и ресторанного дела, связанных с приёмом и обслуживанием российских и русскоговорящих туристов....

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya gostinits i restoranov (nachal'nyy kurs) . Russian language for hotels and restaurants (initial course). A. V. Golubeva, A. I. Zadorina, E. V. Ganapolskaya" is 1.

In stock
For students and trainees of medical specialties with language training in the volume of I certification level. Continues the work on the development of professional speech, begun in the textbook of the same author "Preparation for clinical practice." Contains material necessary for the practical work of medical students. Teaches the skills of a professional dialogue with a patient, registration of the results of questioning in a medical record, and work with this material in a hospital setting. Для студентов и стажеров медицинских специальностей, имеющих языковую подготовку в объеме I сертификационного уровня. Продолжает работу над...

Minimum quantity for "Dialog vracha s bol'nym. Posobiye po razvitiyu rechi dlya inostrannykh studentov-medikov. Dialogue between a doctor and a patient. Speech development guide for international medical students. Dyakova V.N." is 1.

In stock
For foreign students and medical trainees with language training in the volume of I certification level (B1). Forms the skills of oral communication with the patient and recording patient data in a medical record. The purpose of the manual is to form professional speech skills in foreign medical students, prepare them for oral communication with a patient, for recording subjective and objective data about a patient in a medical record of an inpatient. Special texts are based on medical textbooks. The final control task allows you to systematize and generalize the knowledge gained and formed skills. Continuation of work on professional...

Minimum quantity for "Podgotovka k klinicheskoy praktike. Posobiye po razvitiyu rechi dlya inostrannykh studentov-medikov. Preparation for clinical practice. Speech development guide for international medical students. Dyakova V.N." is 1.

In stock
Intended for foreign students of the first year of medical universities. Develops lexical and grammatical skills based on oral and written (reading) professional speech, accelerates the adaptation of foreign students to the educational process. Предназначено для иностранных студентов I курса медицинских вузов. Развивает лексико-грамматические навыки на материале устной и письменной (чтение) профессиональной речи, ускоряет адаптацию студентов-иностранцев к учебному процессу. ISBN 978-5-86547-761-7 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya inostrannykh studentov-medikov. Russian language for foreign medical students. Lukyanova L.V." is 1.

In stock
This manual contains texts on international trade and tasks for them, aimed at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in learning reading, speaking, and writing and to prepare for listening to a course of lectures in Russian on the discipline "International Trade". Develops lexical and grammatical skills based on oral and written professional speech. The manual is addressed to international students studying in the specialty "World Economy" and studying Russian at an advanced stage of study (B1-B2), can be used to work with graduate students and trainees. Настоящее пособие содержит тексты по международной торговле и задания к...

Minimum quantity for "Mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya. International trade. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Aleshina L.N" is 1.

In stock
The manual is based on unadapted and partially adapted texts on psychology, sociology, history, geography, cultural studies and other specialties. The manual is intended to develop skills in the analysis of scientific texts, improve the language proficiency of the specialty in oral and written form. For foreign students of humanitarian specialties trained at the TORFL-1 level. Основу пособия составляют неадаптированные и частично адаптированные тексты по психологии, социологии, истории, географии, культурологии и другим специальностям. Пособие предназначено для выработки навыков анализа научных текстов, совершенствования владения языком...

Minimum quantity for "Gumanitarnyye nauki. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Humanitarian sciences. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Shatilov A.S." is 1.

In stock
The textbook on the course "Culturology" is addressed to foreign students of non-humanitarian specialties who speak Russian at the B1 level. It includes adapted texts with the lexical minimum necessary to master each topic. At the end of the manual, reference material is presented - a list of terms, some of them are found in the texts. The manual can be used both for classroom work under the guidance of a teacher, and for independent work of students. In addition, it can be used by teachers for educational purposes as material for organizing various additional / independent work of students. Пособие по курсу «Культурология» адресовано...
1320  1500 

Minimum quantity for "Kul'turologiya. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Culturology. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Rozova, N.A." is 1.

In stock
The manual is based on popular science texts, most of which are revised and adapted material from the educational dictionary-reference book "Great Philosophers" and the publication "Great Thinkers of the West". The manual contains 7 topics, presented by thematic blocks, each of which contains at least two texts. The texts are accompanied by pre-text and post-text tasks aimed at checking the assimilation of the lexical minimum on the topic and content of the texts. Working with texts involves the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of reading, as well as speaking, writing. Listening texts are collected in a...

Minimum quantity for "Filosofiya. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Philosophy. Textbook on the language of the specialty. T.V. Shelepanova" is 1.

In stock
The textbook is intended for classes in the Russian language in groups of foreign students studying at the law faculties of universities and having basic training in the Russian language in the volume of the first semester of the preparatory faculty. The manual also aims to introduce students to some of the legal concepts of the course "Theory of State and Law" and to prepare them for the study of legal disciplines in the first year. Учебное пособие предназначено для занятий по русскому языку в группах студентов-иностранцев, обучающихся на юридических факультетах вузов и имеющих базовую подготовку по русскому языку в объеме первого...
1595  1900 

Minimum quantity for "Pravo. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Right. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Afanasyeva N.D., Zakharchenko S.S." is 1.

In stock
The book presents the story "White Nights" by the great Russian writer of the 19th century F.M. Dostoevsky. This is a story about how a lonely young man met a kind, modest girl and fell in love with her. He dreams of happiness, which seemed to be so close. But the incredible happens ... The text of the story is adapted (B2), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and development of speech. The book contains the most interesting facts from the life of F.M. Dostoevsky. В книге представлена повесть "Белые ночи" великого русского писателя XIX века Ф.М. Достоевского. Это история о том, как одинокий молодой человек...

Minimum quantity for "BELYYe NOCHI. F.M. DOSTOYEVSKIY. N.A. Yeremina I.A. Starovoytova" is 1.

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The book presents the story "Father Sergius" by the great Russian writer of the 19th century L.N. Tolstoy. Great prospects await the young prince, a capable officer Stepan Kasatsky. But suddenly he receives a strong blow of fate. This makes him decisively change his whole future life. He gives up his career and high position in society and goes to a monastery. From now on, he is Father Sergius. The text of the story is adapted (C1), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and development of speech. The book contains the most interesting facts from the life of L.N. Tolstoy. В книге представлена повесть "Отец Сергий"...

Minimum quantity for "OTETS SERGIY. FATHER SERGY. L.N. THICK. ON. Eremina I.A. Starovoitova" is 1.

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The book presents the stories of the famous Russian writer of the first half of the XX century I.A. Bunin. These are stories of love. The writer claims that love is a great happiness even when it ends tragically. And this feeling remains in the memory of a person for life. The text of the stories is adapted (B1), accompanied by a commentary, tasks for reading comprehension and development of speech. The book contains the most interesting facts from the life of I.A. Bunin. В книге представлены рассказы известного русского писателя первой половины XX века И.А. Бунина. Эти рассказы о любви. Писатель утверждает, что любовь - великое счастье...

Minimum quantity for "SOLNECHNYY UDAR I DRUGIYe RASSKAZY. SUNSTRACT AND OTHER STORIES. I.A. BUNIN. ON. Eremina I.A. Starovoitova" is 1.

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The book includes, in an adapted form, one of the best works of Russian literature of the 19th century. The texts of the chapters are provided with the necessary comments and footnotes. Each lesson includes grammar and vocabulary exercises that make reading much easier and help you absorb new material. The book is intended for foreign students studying Russian at the B2 stage of study. Книга включает в адаптированном виде одно из лучших произведений русской литературы XIX века. Тексты глав снабжены необходимыми комментариями и сносками. В каждом уроке есть грамматические и лексические упражнения, которые значительно облегчают чтение и...

Minimum quantity for "CHITAYEM A.S. PUSHKINA. PIKOVAYA DAMA. WE READ A.S. PUSHKIN. PEAK LADY. S.I. Yushmanova I.P. Abdalyan" is 1.

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The book examines the didactic foundations of teaching Russian as a foreign language in various types of educational institutions. At the same time, the textbook material can be used in teaching other foreign languages. The idea of teaching a foreign language is based on an intercultural paradigm, a new concept of "intercultural didactics" is introduced. The value of the textbook lies in the further development of the most relevant intercultural and communicative method of teaching foreign languages. The problems of bilingual education are discussed in detail. The innovative aspect is the adaptation of the cross-cultural models of G....

Minimum quantity for "OSNOVY MEZHKUL'TURNOY DIDAKTIKI. A. Petrikova T. Kuprina YA. Gallo" is 1.

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The course is designed for beginners to learn Russian from the ground up. It is designed for 80 - 100 hours of classroom instruction under the guidance of a teacher, but it can also be used for independent language learning. The manual consists of 5 lessons of an introductory phonetic course and 20 lessons of a lexical and grammatical course. The content and volume of the course materials meet the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Russian as a foreign language (Basic level. General knowledge). The material under study is presented in dialogic and monologic texts, in a variety of language, speech and proper communication...
2470  2600 


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The Russian language business course is designed for 120 hours of classes, both under the guidance of a teacher and for independent study. This is a new interesting course, which includes a set of exercises for the development of communication and speech skills in the professional and business sphere of communication. The structure of the course makes it possible to creatively simulate the assimilation of the material and organize both group and individual work, designed for a certain level of students (TORFL-1) Бизнес-курс русского языка рассчитан на 120 часов занятий как под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельного...
1100  1200 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya biznesmenov. Russian for businessmen. T. M. Balykhina, S. I. Elnikova" is 1.

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The course as a whole is structured on a thematic basis and includes 12 topics. Each topic is designed for all types of speech activity, which ensures a coordinated presentation of material in aspect teaching: a unified approach to the study of typical texts, their structure, lexical and grammatical content, the use of these texts as samples when constructing their own statements in oral and written form. Generalizing tasks for repetition and preparation for control on all topics covered for all aspects are offered. The textbook in 4 editions is intended for foreign interns, bachelors, undergraduates and postgraduates who are preparing...
3515  3700 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk. Uchebnik dlya prodvinutykh. Vypusk 2. Russian language. A tutorial for the advanced. Issue 2. Rogova, M., Horokhordin O.V., Kolesova D.V." is 1.


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