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Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
The book is addressed primarily to parents of bilingual (and multilingual) children, as well as to employees of bilingual childcare institutions - teachers, kindergarten teachers, leaders of language groups and courses. The question-and-answer guidebook will help guide parents in solving the real problems of bilingual education. The questions the author answers are prompted by her broad consulting practice. Книга адресована прежде всего родителям двуязычных (и многоязычных) детей, а также сотрудникам билингвалльных детских учреждений - учителям, воспитателям детских садов, руководителям языковых групп и курсов. Справочник, построенный по...
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы


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The monograph is devoted to the manipulative use of words in the texts of the Russian mass media. Numerous examples are presented and analyzed to illustrate discursive processes. Монография посвящена манипулятивному использованию слов в текстах российских средств массовой информации. Для иллюстрации дискурсивных процессов представлены и проанализированы многочисленные примеры.ISBN 978-5-86547-662-7
2200  2300 

Minimum quantity for "Igry v slova. A.D. Vasil'yev" is 1.

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The manual is intended for practicing teachers. In the first part, in a question-and-answer form, the linguistic, psychological and methodological foundations of the use of a literary text in teaching Russian as a foreign language are presented. The second part is a methodical development for Russian language lessons based on the works of modern writers (poetry: Dm.A. Prigov, prose: S. Dovlatov, L. Petrushevskaya, V. Pelevin). Пособие предназначено для преподавателей-практиков. В первой части в вопросно-ответной форме излагаются лингвистические, психологические и методические основы использования художественного текста в преподавании...

Minimum quantity for "Zachem, chto i kak chitat' na uroke . Kulibina N.V." is 1.

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The book sets out the scientific foundations of the theory of a modern textbook, taking into account the concept of intercultural education and changes in European educational policy. The emphasis is on matching the learning objectives and requirements of the historical period. For methodologists, teachers, editors, graduate students and undergraduates, as well as anyone who has decided to act as the author of a textbook on Russian as a foreign language or other foreign languages. В книге излагаются научные основы теории современного учебника с учетом концепции межкультурного образования и изменений в европейской образовательной...

Minimum quantity for "Kak napisat' mezhkul'turnyy uchebnik russkogo yazyka kak inostrannogo . Berdichevskiy A.L., Golubeva A.V." is 1.

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This book is a concise version of the ten-book series Methodology as Science. It attempts to prove the status of methodology as an independent science of a new type. The author describes the methodology as a theory and technology of foreign language education, and not as a methodology for teaching foreign languages. It is proved that in this case the technique acquires a new object, a new subject, a new methodology, theory and technology. Specific examples of the fruits of the Lipetsk Methodological School are used as arguments in favor of the right of the future methodology to serve as a theoretical basis for creating a productive system...

Minimum quantity for "Metodika kak nauka budushchego. Kratkaya versiya novoy kontseptsii . E.I. Passov" is 1.

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The book in an entertaining form tells about phonetics - a section of science in language, which studies the sound means used by a person in communication (sounds, stress, intonation), sounding speech in general. The reader will follow the entire path from the formation of sounds to their use in our everyday speech and in the language of fiction, get acquainted with the rules of Russian literary pronunciation and expressive reading. Книга в занимательной форме рассказывает о фонетике — разделе науки в языке, в котором изучаются звуковые средства, используемые человеком при общении (звуки, ударение, интонация), звучащая речь в...

Minimum quantity for "Zanimatel'naya fonetika. Entertaining phonetics. V.I. Maksimov" is 1.

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The purpose of this book is to help teachers, especially beginners, to work most effectively on the educational complex "Once upon a time ... 28 lessons of the Russian language for beginners." The complex consists of a textbook and workbook, as well as audio annexes to them (CD1, CD2), which should be considered as single and interdependent educational materials. The book for the teacher outlines the methodological concept of the textbook, based on the consciously practical method adopted in the Russian methodology for teaching Russian as a foreign language, and offers specific advice on the use of the language and speech material...

Minimum quantity for "Zhili-byli… 28 urokov russkogo yazyka dlya nachinayushchikh. Russian lessons for beginners: a book for a teacher. Miller L.V., Politova L.V." is 1.

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This appendix includes materials for copying with magnification (playing fields, props for individual games), as well as guidelines for using the proposed games in the practice of bilingual kindergartens. The method of work is described in detail in the book by E. Protasova, N. Rodina "Russian language for preschoolers." The book is addressed to educators and teachers of children's educational institutions abroad and in Russia, working with bilingual children, as well as to parents. Настоящее приложение включает в себя материалы для копирования с увеличением (игровые поля, реквизиты для отдельных игр), а также методические рекомендации...

Minimum quantity for "Priklyucheniya na stole. Protasova Ye.YU." is 1.

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In January 2011, the Russian Language Abroad conference was held in Moscow, organized by the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. This collection provides rich material on the position and state of the Russian language in various countries (Israel, Italy, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, USA, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, etc.), outlines the main directions of research in this area and asks topical questions. The balanced scientific approach demonstrated by the authors of the articles should become an important contribution to the study of the Russian...
1870  2100 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk zarubezh'ya. Russian language abroad." is 1.

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This tutorial has long been a bestseller. The first edition of the complex, which included a textbook and a workshop, was published in 2000, and since then it has been reprinted many times. The total circulation of the complex has already exceeded 165,000 copies. In 2003, this complex received a diploma of the Association of Book Publishers (ASKI) "Book of the Year". This publication has been substantially updated by the authors, taking into account the ten-year experience of using the course in various universities in Russia and the requirements of the educational standards of higher education of the new generation. The head of the team...

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk i kul'tura rechi. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook. Maksimov V.I., Golubeva A.V." is 1.

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The book describes in detail the spheres and types of business communication, new phenomena in the official business style, as well as the linguistic features of Russian business speech. The article analyzes the types of written business texts of a personal, official and industrial nature and the most popular genres of oral business speech, considers such aspects of business communication as etiquette, speech portrait of a business person, advertising language, administrative and business jargon, etc. Each section is accompanied by questions for self-control and a list of recommended reading. For students of humanitarian universities,...

Minimum quantity for "Osnovy russkoy delovoy rechi. Fundamentals of Russian business speech: a textbook for students. N.A. Bure, L.B. Volkova, E.V. Kosareva" is 1.

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Collection of scientific articles dedicated to the anniversary of S.N. Zeitlin, touches upon a range of problems that are actively being developed by representatives of the St. Petersburg School of Ontolinguistics: the construction of the native (Russian) language system in health and speech pathology, the development of the written form of speech, the formation of language systems in a situation of bilingualism, the formation of the child's communicative and textual competence. The book is addressed to linguists, as well as language teachers and specialists in the field of speech pathology. Сборник научных статей, посвященный юбилею...

Minimum quantity for "Sankt-Peterburgskaya shkola ontolingvivtiki: sbornik statey k yubileyu doktora filologicheskikh nauk, professora S.N. Tseytlin. St. Petersburg School of Ontolinguistics: a collection of articles dedicated to the anniversary of Doctor of Philology, Profess" is 1.