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In stock
Επίπεδο: А2, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Т.В. Козлова, И.В. Курлова, М.В. Кульгавчук
The publication is intended for training with specialists in various areas of business cooperation, as well as with students of universities, colleges, language courses. The course provides a basic level of language proficiency. The communicative, subject and linguistic content of the book strictly corresponds to the volume and content of the initial level of education, as well as the professional needs of students. The general lexical minimum of the course is about 900 units. The volume of the material is designed for 100-120 hours. The publication is based on the concept of teaching foreign students in business communication,...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-154-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 64
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А2
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Т.В. Козлова, И.В. Курлова, М.В. Кульгавчук

Minimum quantity for "Nachal'nyy kurs russkogo yazyka dlya delovogo obshcheniya: chast' 3. T.V. Kozlova, I.V. Kurlova, M.V. Kul'gavchuk" is 1.

On backorder
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА, Συγγραφέας: Смыковская Т.Е., Городецкая В.В., Ильина О.А.
The textbook is a voluminous complex of classes on Russian folklore for teaching in a foreign audience, meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language for special purposes and can be used in practical classes, as well as for the preparation of extracurricular activities (traditional holidays, Olympiads, thematic weeks, etc.). For university teachers and foreign students studying in philological areas of training. Учебное пособие представляет собой объёмный комплекс занятий по русскому фольклору для преподавания в иностранной аудитории, отвечает...
ISBN: 978-5-9765-3489-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 192
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
Συγγραφέας: Смыковская Т.Е., Городецкая В.В., Ильина О.А.

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy fol'klor: ucheb. posobiye po ustnomu narodnomu tvorchestvu dlya studentov-inostrantsev. Smykovskaya T.Ye., Gorodetskaya V.V., Il'ina O.A." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В2, Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА, Συγγραφέας: Г.С. Юдина
The manual acquaints readers with the unique inventions of contemporaries based on lectures by scientists, articles from popular science magazines and newspapers over the past two years. It is intended for classes in the Russian language with foreign students in groups of a technical profile of training in the first and second years, as well as for graduate students, trainees and all those interested in science, in particular, robotics, computers, electronics, promising areas in physics. Пособие знакомит читателей с уникальными изобретениями современников на материале лекций ученых, статей из научно-популярных журналов и газет за...
ISBN: 5-89349-598-5
Αριθμός σελίδων: 100
Επίπεδο: В2
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
Συγγραφέας: Г.С. Юдина

Minimum quantity for "Chelovek i mashiny: Uchebnoye posobiye. Yudina A.D." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Е.В. Косарева
The purpose of this manual is to systematize and develop skills in oral and written business speech. The manual is based on the principle of interactive modeling of situations relevant to business communication and consists of three modules ("Job search", "You are an employee of the company", "Working life"), which are subdivided into blocks (lessons). The set of tasks proposed in the book, as well as selected authentic texts, including video texts reflecting modern business reality, will allow foreign students to “live” the situations of business communication. The manual is aimed at foreign students studying Russian as a foreign...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-435-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 184
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Е.В. Косарева
Χρονολογία Εκδοσης: 2017

Minimum quantity for "Strategiya uspekha: Russkiy yazyk dlya delovogo obshcheniya. Russian for business communication. E.V. Kosareva" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Белова Н.В., Рублёва Е.В.
The dictionary summarizes the terminology that is widely used in the practice of language education. When compiling dictionary entries, the authors used definitions presented in the scientific literature, individual terms and their interpretations were proposed for the first time. English equivalents are given. The book is addressed to students and undergraduates studying methods of teaching a foreign language, information technology in linguistics and similar courses. It will also be useful for methodologists, teachers, graduate students and trainees, everyone who is interested in teaching language and culture in a new information and...
ISBN: 978-5-86547-952-9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 68
Διαστάσεις: 60х90/16
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Белова Н.В., Рублёва Е.В.
Χρονολογία Εκδοσης: 2016

Minimum quantity for "Kratkiy slovar' IT-terminov dlya spetsialistov po yazykovomu obrazovaniyu . Belova N.V., Rublova Ye.V." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1-А2, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: А.А. Акишина
The purpose of the manual is to teach communication in Russian in situations of everyday and business communication. The book contains the most typical speech patterns, contains examples of advertisements, advertisements, as well as materials that contribute to the development of communication skills on the phone and in the office, and comments on a country-specific nature. The manual is accompanied by a CD-ROM with recorded dialogues and audio exercises. The manual can be used to teach speaking, listening and reading in both classroom and extracurricular forms of group and individual work. It is intended for foreign businessmen, students...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-445-5
Αριθμός σελίδων: 264
Εξώφυλλο: обложка
Επίπεδο: А1-А2
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: А.А. Акишина
Χρονολογία Εκδοσης: 2017

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy dlya delovoy poyezdki. Russian for a business trip. T.Ye. Akishina" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А2, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Т.П. Скорикова
The manual contains materials for teaching speaking and writing in situations of business negotiations and meetings. The book contains speech models, sample business documents, training exercises, and authentic dialogues recorded on the accompanying CD-ROM. The publication can be used both in classroom and in out-of-class forms of group and individual work. It is intended for foreign businessmen, students, a wide range of people who know Russian grammar at an elementary level and who want to master the basic level of Russian language skills. Пособие содержит материалы для обучения устной и письменной речи в ситуациях деловых переговоров...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-415-8
Αριθμός σελίδων: 216
Επίπεδο: А2
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Т.П. Скорикова

Minimum quantity for "Vstrechi, peregovory, perepiska: biznes-kurs po russkomu yazyku. Meetings, negotiations, correspondence: business course in the Russian language. T.P. Skorikova" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "Lyudi, izmenivshiye mir. People who changed the world. A.D. Yudina" is 1.

1710  1800 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk v tekstakh o filologii. Russian language in texts about philology. A.V. Velichko, L. P. Yudina" is 1.


Minimum quantity for "FIZIKA . Ye. YU. Guseva, Ye.A. Dvorkina, YU.D. Polyakova" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1-В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Родимкина А., Ландсман Н.
For English-speaking students who speak Russian in the volume of I-II certification levels (B1-B2). 16 texts from modern Russian periodicals, interesting from the point of view of language and regional studies. The texts are adapted and provided with a Russian-English dictionary, exercises and assignments for the development of skills in speaking and writing. Keys. The materials can be used for lexical and grammatical work, in translation classes, in educational discussions and games. Для англоговорящих учащихся, владеющих русским языком в объеме I-II сертификационного уровня (В1-В2). 16 текстов из современной российской периодики,...
ISBN: 978-5-86547-423-4
Αριθμός σελίδων: 160
Διαστάσεις: 60*90/8
Επίπεδο: В1-В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Родимкина А., Ландсман Н.

Minimum quantity for "Rossiya: ekonomika i obshchestvo. Teksty i uprazhneniya. Russia: Economy and Society. Texts and exercises. Rodimkina A., Landsman N." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Е.А. Филатова, И.С. Черенкова, О.В. Луценко
The textbook is addressed to foreign students who start their studies at the economics faculties of Russian universities and speak Russian in the volume of the I certification level. The object of study in the manual is the language material characteristic of the scientific style as a whole (humanitarian sub-style); specific to the sub-language of economics; relevant for oral scientific speech as a special language subsystem. Special attention is paid to the sublanguage of economics, in particular to the formation of the terminological base of educational and professional communication. Each of the three sections of the book is divided...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-097-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 176
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Е.А. Филатова, И.С. Черенкова, О.В. Луценко

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya ekonomistov. The Russian language for economists: a textbook for foreign students of the 1st year of economic faculties of Russian universities. E.A. Filatova, I.S. Cherenkova, O. V. Lutsenko" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Л.П. Клобуковой
The manual is addressed to foreign students who are starting their studies at the law faculties of Russian universities and who speak Russian at the first certification level. The main purpose of the manual is the formation of students' communicative competence, sufficient for adequate professional communication in the educational and scientific field of their activities. The manual was created in accordance with the new educational standards and taking into account the latest achievements of the communicative methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language: special attention is paid to the complex development of speech skills in...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-123-2
Αριθμός σελίδων: 360
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Л.П. Клобуковой

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya yuristov. Russian language for lawyers: Textbook for foreign students of the 1st year of law faculties of Russian universities. L.P. Klobukova" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1-В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Авдеева, И.Б.
ISBN: 978-5-86547-767-9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 130
Διαστάσεις: 84*108/16
Επίπεδο: В1-В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Авдеева, И.Б.
1210  1300 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya inostrannykh uchashchikhsya inzhenernogo profilya. Russian for foreign engineering students. Workbook 1.1. Avdeeva, I.B." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1-В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Авдеева, И.Б.
ISBN: 978-5-86547-768-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 130
Διαστάσεις: 84*108/16
Επίπεδο: В1-В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Авдеева, И.Б.
1210  1300 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya inostrannykh uchashchikhsya inzhenernogo profilya. Russian for foreign engineering students. Workbook 1.2. Avdeeva, I.B." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Орлова Е.В.
ISBN: 978-5-86547-624-5
Αριθμός σελίδων: 100
Διαστάσεις: 125Х190
Επίπεδο: В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Орлова Е.В.

Minimum quantity for "Nauchnyy tekst: annotirovaniye, referirovaniye, retsenzirovaniye. Scientific text: annotation, abstracting, reviewing. Orlova E.V." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Н.В. Балкина, Т. И. Василишина
The manual is intended for foreigners studying at the law faculties of universities and having language training in the Russian language in the scope of the full program of the preparatory faculty (I certification level, B1). Учебное пособие предназначено для иностранцев, обучающихся на юридических факультетах вузов и имеющих языковую подготовку по русскому языку в объеме полной программы подготовительного факультета (I сертификационный уровень, В1).
ISBN: 978-5-86547-828-7
Αριθμός σελίδων: 116
Διαστάσεις: 60*90/8
Επίπεδο: В1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Н.В. Балкина, Т. И. Василишина

Minimum quantity for "Prigovor okonchatel'nyy. Obzhalovaniyu ne podlezhit. Uchebnoye posobiye po razvitiyu rechi. Textbook for the development of speech. N.V. Balkina, T. I. Vasilishina" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Орлова Е.В.
This manual is intended for foreign students studying Russian with basic training in Russian (B1). The purpose of the publication is to teach foreign students to take anamnesis and make a case history. The manual is intended for second-year foreign students studying at medical universities in Russia. Настоящее пособие предназначено для иностранных студентов, изучающих русский язык, имеющих базовую подготовку по русскому языку (B1). Цель издания — обучить иностранных студентов сбору анамнеза и оформлению истории болезни. Пособие предназначено для иностранных студентов 2-го курса, обучающихся в медицинских вузах России.
ISBN: 978-5-86547-623-8
Αριθμός σελίδων: 64
Επίπεδο: В1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Συγγραφέας: Орлова Е.В.

Minimum quantity for "Sbor anamneza i oformleniye istorii bolezni. Collection of anamnesis and registration of the medical history. Textbook for the Russian language for foreigners. Orlova E.V." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1-В2, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: О.С. Жарова, Л.Н. Третьякова
The manual is addressed to foreign cadets of military universities who have mastered the Russian language at the basic and first certification levels (A2 – B1), as well as to all foreign students who are interested in the military history of Russia. The manual is intended to develop the skills of reading literature in the specialty, to develop and consolidate the skills of using various grammatical forms of the Russian language, as well as to develop speaking skills. Пособие адресовано иностранным курсантам военных вузов, овладевшим русским языком в объёме базового и первого сертификационного уровней (A2–B1), а также всем иностранным...
ISBN: 978-5-86547-632-0
Αριθμός σελίδων: 136
Διαστάσεις: 84*108/16
Επίπεδο: В1-В2
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Читаем тексты по специальности
Συγγραφέας: О.С. Жарова, Л.Н. Третьякова

Minimum quantity for "Voyennaya istoriya Rossii. Military history of Russia. Textbook on the language of the specialty. (We read texts on specialty, Issue 10). O.S. Zharova, L.N. Tretyakov" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: A2-B1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Ковалькова А.В.
This manual is intended for foreign military personnel in higher military educational institutions to work in the language of their specialty. The purpose of the manual is to further develop and consolidate skills and abilities in the field of speech activity (reading, writing) based on the available lexical and grammatical material (for students with basic and I certification levels). Tasks have been developed for the texts of the manual. The manual is intended both for work with a teacher and for self-study. Настоящее пособие предназначено для иностранных военнослужащих в высших военных учебных заведениях для работы по языку...
ISBN: 978-5-86547-679-5
Αριθμός σελίδων: 232
Διαστάσεις: 84*108/16
Επίπεδο: A2-B1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Читаем тексты по специальности
Συγγραφέας: Ковалькова А.В.
1100  1400 

Minimum quantity for "Strelkovoye oruzhiye. a textbook on the language of the specialty. (We read texts on the specialty, Issue 13). A. V. Kovalkova" is 1.

In stock
Συγγραφέας: Аросева Т.Е.
The manual is intended for independent reading and is addressed to a wide range of foreign students, trainees and postgraduates of a non-humanitarian profile, first of all, future engineers, whose cognitive style the author was guided by. The manual consistently outlines the development of physics up to its latest achievements. Пособие предназначено для самостоятельного чтения и адресовано широкому кругу иностранных студентов, стажёров и аспирантов негуманитарного профиля, в первую очередь — будущим инженерам, на когнитивный стиль которых ориентировался автор. В пособии последовательно излагаются пути развития физики вплоть до её...
ISBN: 978-5-86547-679-5
Αριθμός σελίδων: 232
Διαστάσεις: 84*108/16 (~210x280 мм)
Σειρά: Читаем тексты по специальности
Συγγραφέας: Аросева Т.Е.

Minimum quantity for "Inzhenernyye nauki. Engineering sciences: textbook on the language of the specialty. (We read texts on specialty, Issue 14). Aroseva T.E." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1, Παραγωγός: Златоуст, Συγγραφέας: Е.А. Дворкина
The manual is intended for foreign students of economic specialties who speak Russian in the volume of I certification level. Designed for 130 hours of classroom lessons. Used only authentic texts from textbooks on economic theory. Test assignments form not only linguistic, but also subject competence. Equipped with a multimedia application for teaching listening skills for professional speech. Пособие предназначено для студентов-иностранцев экономических специальностей, владеющих русским языком в объеме I сертификационного уровня. Рассчитано на 130 часов аудиторных занятий. Использованы только аутентичные тексты из учебников по...
ISBN: 978-5-86547-631-3
Αριθμός σελίδων: 400
Διαστάσεις: 84*108/16
Επίπεδο: В1
Παραγωγός: Златоуст
Σειρά: Читаем тексты по специальности
Συγγραφέας: Е.А. Дворкина

Minimum quantity for "Ekonomicheskaya teoriya. Economic theory. Textbook on the language of the specialty. (Issue 9). E.A. Dvorkin" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Т.Е. Аросева, Л.Г. Рогова, Н.Ф. Сафьянова
The textbook contains a unique system of tasks in the Russian language, prepared on the basis of the basic course of higher education in mathematics, physics and chemistry. The purpose of the manual is the introduction and activation of language material in oral and written form, the development of reading skills, note-taking, dialogical and monologue speech. The lexical and grammatical material is introduced on a syntactic basis, through speech samples, which provides a comprehensive presentation of the linguistic material and its communicativeness. The textual material is optimally correlated with the program material in mathematics,...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-206-2
Αριθμός σελίδων: 312
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Т.Е. Аросева, Л.Г. Рогова, Н.Ф. Сафьянова

Minimum quantity for "Nauchnyy stil' rechi: tekhnicheskiy profil'. Scientific style of speech: technical profile: A guide to the Russian language for foreign students. THOSE. Aroseva, L.G. Rogova, N.F. Safyanova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Е.В. Ермакова, О.В. Константинова, А.А. Муравьева
The educational complex is addressed to foreigners studying in universities of the oil and gas profile, and specialists in the oil and gas industry. The purpose of the manual is to teach the language of the specialty, the formation of students' communicative competence, sufficient for communication in the professional field of activity. The manual will help you to master the functional and stylistic features of the scientific style in general and the specifics of the language of the specialty in particular. The complex includes a book for students and a book for a teacher. The book for students contains 20 lessons, each of which includes...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-240-6
Αριθμός σελίδων: 120
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Е.В. Ермакова, О.В. Константинова, А.А. Муравьева

Minimum quantity for "O nefti po-russki. About oil in Russian. Educational complex for teaching the language of the specialty (oil and gas profile). Book for students + CD. E.V. Ermakova, O. V. Konstantinov, A.A. Muravyova" is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: А.К. Перевозникова
It is intended for foreigners studying in international specialties who have mastered the I certification level of RFL proficiency. It is built on the material of special texts from textbooks and monographs on this topic. The manual consists of 14 topics and is designed for 60–70 classroom hours. The basis of each topic is a lexical-semantic group of words, accompanying grammar and texts for the student reading. The selection of grammatical material is due to the frequency of functioning of a particular structure in the text of the topic. Working with this manual will contribute to the development of the skills necessary for...
ISBN: 978-5-88337-296-3
Αριθμός σελίδων: 168
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: А.К. Перевозникова

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya diplomatov. Russian for Diplomats: A Study Guide for Foreign Students. A.K. Perevoznikova" is 1.

In stock
Συγγραφέας: С.И. Дерягина
The manual is intended for foreigners who speak Russian in the volume of I certification level. The main purpose of the manual is the formation and development of students' language and speech skills and abilities necessary for professional activity. The assignments were compiled using materials from modern Russian media. The various tasks of the manual are focused on both classroom and independent work of students. At the same time, the proportion of independent work increases from class to class. Future journalists will learn how to work with professional texts, discuss various issues of professional interest, write their own...
ISBN: 978 5 88337 236 9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 112
Συγγραφέας: С.И. Дерягина

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya zhurnalistov. Russian for Journalists: A Study Guide for Foreign Students + CD. S.I. Deryagina" is 1.

In stock
The manual is intended for classes in the Russian language in groups of foreign students studying political science and having language training in the volume of I certification level. The purpose of this manual is to familiarize students with the peculiarities of the scientific style of speech, a separate layer of social and political vocabulary, syntactic models characteristic of political science. The manual consists of 9 lessons, built on the material of the course "Fundamentals of Political Science", studied by students, tests and audio applications. Учебное пособие предназначено для занятий по русскому языку в группах иностранных...
2090  2300 

Minimum quantity for "Politologiya. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Political science. Textbook on the language of the specialty. A. Lobanova, I.B. Mogileva, T.V. Chernenko" is 1.

In stock
The textbook is intended for foreign students of philology who speak Russian at the B1 level and for whom Russian is the language of their specialty. The system of assignments is aimed at mastering students' professional knowledge in literary criticism, at developing reading, speaking, listening and writing skills, at expanding the stock of professional vocabulary and repetition of syntactic structures characteristic of the scientific style of speech. The purpose of the manual is to prepare students for the study of the course "Introduction to Literary Studies" in a language environment. Учебное пособие предназначено для иностранных...

Minimum quantity for "Vvedeniye v literaturovedeniye. Introduction to Literary Studies. Bey L.B." is 1.

In stock
This manual is intended for foreign specialists in the field of hotel and restaurant business associated with the reception and service of Russian and Russian-speaking tourists. It will help you learn to listen to various customer requests, respond to them correctly, as well as read simple advertising texts and business letters. The audio supplement (120 minutes) contains sample dialogues and comprehension tasks. For those who speak Russian at the level of A1. Настоящее пособие предназначено для зарубежных специалистов в области гостиничного и ресторанного дела, связанных с приёмом и обслуживанием российских и русскоговорящих туристов....

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya gostinits i restoranov (nachal'nyy kurs) . Russian language for hotels and restaurants (initial course). A. V. Golubeva, A. I. Zadorina, E. V. Ganapolskaya" is 1.

In stock
For students and trainees of medical specialties with language training in the volume of I certification level. Continues the work on the development of professional speech, begun in the textbook of the same author "Preparation for clinical practice." Contains material necessary for the practical work of medical students. Teaches the skills of a professional dialogue with a patient, registration of the results of questioning in a medical record, and work with this material in a hospital setting. Для студентов и стажеров медицинских специальностей, имеющих языковую подготовку в объеме I сертификационного уровня. Продолжает работу над...

Minimum quantity for "Dialog vracha s bol'nym. Posobiye po razvitiyu rechi dlya inostrannykh studentov-medikov. Dialogue between a doctor and a patient. Speech development guide for international medical students. Dyakova V.N." is 1.

In stock
For foreign students and medical trainees with language training in the volume of I certification level (B1). Forms the skills of oral communication with the patient and recording patient data in a medical record. The purpose of the manual is to form professional speech skills in foreign medical students, prepare them for oral communication with a patient, for recording subjective and objective data about a patient in a medical record of an inpatient. Special texts are based on medical textbooks. The final control task allows you to systematize and generalize the knowledge gained and formed skills. Continuation of work on professional...

Minimum quantity for "Podgotovka k klinicheskoy praktike. Posobiye po razvitiyu rechi dlya inostrannykh studentov-medikov. Preparation for clinical practice. Speech development guide for international medical students. Dyakova V.N." is 1.

In stock
Intended for foreign students of the first year of medical universities. Develops lexical and grammatical skills based on oral and written (reading) professional speech, accelerates the adaptation of foreign students to the educational process. Предназначено для иностранных студентов I курса медицинских вузов. Развивает лексико-грамматические навыки на материале устной и письменной (чтение) профессиональной речи, ускоряет адаптацию студентов-иностранцев к учебному процессу. ISBN 978-5-86547-761-7 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya inostrannykh studentov-medikov. Russian language for foreign medical students. Lukyanova L.V." is 1.

In stock
This manual contains texts on international trade and tasks for them, aimed at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in learning reading, speaking, and writing and to prepare for listening to a course of lectures in Russian on the discipline "International Trade". Develops lexical and grammatical skills based on oral and written professional speech. The manual is addressed to international students studying in the specialty "World Economy" and studying Russian at an advanced stage of study (B1-B2), can be used to work with graduate students and trainees. Настоящее пособие содержит тексты по международной торговле и задания к...

Minimum quantity for "Mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya. International trade. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Aleshina L.N" is 1.

In stock
The manual is based on unadapted and partially adapted texts on psychology, sociology, history, geography, cultural studies and other specialties. The manual is intended to develop skills in the analysis of scientific texts, improve the language proficiency of the specialty in oral and written form. For foreign students of humanitarian specialties trained at the TORFL-1 level. Основу пособия составляют неадаптированные и частично адаптированные тексты по психологии, социологии, истории, географии, культурологии и другим специальностям. Пособие предназначено для выработки навыков анализа научных текстов, совершенствования владения языком...

Minimum quantity for "Gumanitarnyye nauki. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Humanitarian sciences. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Shatilov A.S." is 1.

In stock
The textbook on the course "Culturology" is addressed to foreign students of non-humanitarian specialties who speak Russian at the B1 level. It includes adapted texts with the lexical minimum necessary to master each topic. At the end of the manual, reference material is presented - a list of terms, some of them are found in the texts. The manual can be used both for classroom work under the guidance of a teacher, and for independent work of students. In addition, it can be used by teachers for educational purposes as material for organizing various additional / independent work of students. Пособие по курсу «Культурология» адресовано...
1320  1500 

Minimum quantity for "Kul'turologiya. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Culturology. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Rozova, N.A." is 1.

In stock
The manual is based on popular science texts, most of which are revised and adapted material from the educational dictionary-reference book "Great Philosophers" and the publication "Great Thinkers of the West". The manual contains 7 topics, presented by thematic blocks, each of which contains at least two texts. The texts are accompanied by pre-text and post-text tasks aimed at checking the assimilation of the lexical minimum on the topic and content of the texts. Working with texts involves the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of reading, as well as speaking, writing. Listening texts are collected in a...

Minimum quantity for "Filosofiya. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Philosophy. Textbook on the language of the specialty. T.V. Shelepanova" is 1.

In stock
The textbook is intended for classes in the Russian language in groups of foreign students studying at the law faculties of universities and having basic training in the Russian language in the volume of the first semester of the preparatory faculty. The manual also aims to introduce students to some of the legal concepts of the course "Theory of State and Law" and to prepare them for the study of legal disciplines in the first year. Учебное пособие предназначено для занятий по русскому языку в группах студентов-иностранцев, обучающихся на юридических факультетах вузов и имеющих базовую подготовку по русскому языку в объеме первого...
1595  1900 

Minimum quantity for "Pravo. Uchebnoye posobiye po yazyku spetsial'nosti. Right. Textbook on the language of the specialty. Afanasyeva N.D., Zakharchenko S.S." is 1.

In stock
The Russian language business course is designed for 120 hours of classes, both under the guidance of a teacher and for independent study. This is a new interesting course, which includes a set of exercises for the development of communication and speech skills in the professional and business sphere of communication. The structure of the course makes it possible to creatively simulate the assimilation of the material and organize both group and individual work, designed for a certain level of students (TORFL-1) Бизнес-курс русского языка рассчитан на 120 часов занятий как под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельного...
1100  1200 

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya biznesmenov. Russian for businessmen. T. M. Balykhina, S. I. Elnikova" is 1.

In stock
Ηλικία: 16+, Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
The purpose of the textbook is to teach medical students to communicate in the educational and social-professional macrospheres. Passing this course provides the formation of communicative competence in the volume of the II certification level, determined by the State Standard for RFL (Professional Modules). The selection, systematization, methodological interpretation of the linguistic and speech material that foreign medical students must master were carried out by the authors of the textbook on the basis of the principles of functional-communicative linguistics and communicative-activity methodology. The textbook was prepared at the...
Ηλικία: 16+
Παραγωγός: ФЛИНТА
1870  2000 

Minimum quantity for "Govorim o meditsine po-russki (B2) uchebnik. We speak about medicine in Russian (B2) textbook. Kurylenko V.B., Titova L.A., Smoldyreva T.A., Makarova M.A." is 1.

In stock
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
The purpose of the manual is to help future translators to correct the skills of oral and written Russian speech while simultaneously deepening knowledge in the field of social and cultural life in Russia. Along with the tasks aimed at improving the knowledge of the Russian language, the manual offers tasks that stimulate the search activity of students, work with unadapted texts, various dictionaries, use the Internet, as well as tasks that form the skills necessary for a future translator. The manual is addressed to students who speak Russian at the level of A2 - B1. Цель пособия - помочь будущим переводчикам скорректировать...
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы


In stock
This book is designed to work with foreign students of an advanced stage of study who do not fully possess the skills of Russian speech. The material for the work is original texts that introduce the culture of Russia in the field of economic relations, which prepares students for the perception of lectures on economics in Russian. The purpose of the manual is to help students overcome difficulties arising in the process of interpersonal communication in Russian: misunderstanding or misunderstanding of the communicative situation, their own role in establishing and maintaining the context, etc. In addition, it is assumed that not only...

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk v mire ekonomiki. Russian language in the world of economics. Pukhaeva L.S., Olkhova L.N." is 1.

In stock
A study guide for the study of business Russian as a foreign language (First certification level) is addressed to managers and businessmen who are cooperating or planning to work with Russian-speaking clients and partners, as well as students. The course contains 12 topics and consists of a study guide and a workbook. Audio CD will be released separately. Each topic of the study guide includes vocabulary, grammar rules, text, skill practice and learning situation. The study guide is recommended for use in courses of Russian as a foreign language with a teacher and independently. ISBN 978-5-86547-730-3 Учебное пособие по изучению делового...

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya delovogo obshcheniya. Russian for business communication. B1. L.V. Kotane" is 1.

In stock
A study guide for the study of business Russian as a foreign language (Second certification level) is addressed to managers and businessmen who are cooperating or planning to work with Russian-speaking clients and partners, as well as students. The book contains 12 topics and consists of a textbook (with answers), which presents: vocabulary, grammar, business skills, texts, interviews and case studies; workbook with tasks (with answers). The audio application will be released on CD separately. The study guide is recommended for use in Russian as a foreign language courses with a teacher or on your own. ISBN 978-5-86547-732-7 Учебное...

Minimum quantity for "Russkiy yazyk dlya delovogo obshcheniya. Russian for business communication. B2 . L.V. Kotane" is 1.

In stock
Tο Da είναιένα πρωτοποριακό και το μοναδικό βιβλίο εκμάθησης της ρωσικής γλώσσας για ελληνόφωνους ενήλικες, οι οποίοι...
3135  4100 

Minimum quantity for "DA! - ΜΈΘΟΔΟΣ ΕΚΜΆΘΗΣΗΣ ΡΩΣΙΚΏΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΌ - Α1 / Α2" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: В1, Ηλικία: 16+, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Горбенко В.Д.


ISBN: 978-5-88337-348-9
Αριθμός σελίδων: 96
Επίπεδο: В1
Ηλικία: 16+
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Горбенко В.Д.

Minimum quantity for "BUDEM PARTNERAMI! LET'S BE PARTNERS! Gorbenko V.D." is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1-А2, Ηλικία: 16+, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: С.А. Хавронина, Л.А. Харламова, И.В. Казнышкина


ISBN: 978-5-88337-087-7
Αριθμός σελίδων: 304
Επίπεδο: А1-А2
Ηλικία: 16+
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: С.А. Хавронина, Л.А. Харламова, И.В. Казнышкина


In stock
Επίπεδο: С1, Ηλικία: 16+, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Н.А. Маркина С.В. Романова


ISBN: 978-5-88337-316-8
Αριθμός σελίδων: 264
Επίπεδο: С1
Ηλικία: 16+
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Н.А. Маркина С.В. Романова


In stock
Επίπεδο: А1, Ηλικία: 16+, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: И.В. Казнышкина, С.А. Хавронина


ISBN: 978-5-88337-227-7
Αριθμός σελίδων: 160
Επίπεδο: А1
Ηλικία: 16+
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: И.В. Казнышкина, С.А. Хавронина

Minimum quantity for "PYAT' ZVOZD. FIVE STARS: EXPRESS-COURSE IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE FOR SERVICE WORKERS + CD. I.V. Kaznyshkina, S.A. Khavronina" is 1.

In stock
Επίπεδο: А1-А2, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Л.М. Верещагина


ISBN: 978-5-88337-277-2
Αριθμός σελίδων: 368
Επίπεδο: А1-А2
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Л.М. Верещагина

Minimum quantity for "RUSSKIY YAZYK DLYA MUZYKANTOV. UCHEBNIK L.M. Vereshchagina" is 1.

Επίπεδο: А2, Ηλικία: 16+, Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы, Συγγραφέας: Т.Н. Базванова, Т.К. Орлова


ISBN: 978-5-88337-189-8
Αριθμός σελίδων: 152
Επίπεδο: А2
Ηλικία: 16+
Παραγωγός: Русский язык. Курсы
Συγγραφέας: Т.Н. Базванова, Т.К. Орлова